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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Black woman learns grandfather was Nazi

Black German woman learns a shocking family secret: Her grandfather was a Nazi


Jennifer Teege was 38 when by chance she discovered she was the granddaughter of Amon Goeth, the sadistic Nazi commandant of the Plaszow concentration camp in Poland.


Teenage was born to a Nigerian man and Geman woman and was taken to an orphanage run by Catholic nuns when she was 4 weeks old. Her parents did not attend her baptism in Munich.


Teege's grandmother, Ruth Irene Goeth, was the mistriss of Amon Goeth and stayed with him in his villa at the Plaszow concentration camp. Before her suicide in 1983, she said she should have done more to help people.

Actor Ralph Fiennes played Amon Goeth in the movie "Schindler's List."

Atlanta (CNN) Jennifer Teege thought she knew the hard truths of her life: that her German mother left her in the care of nuns when she was 4 weeks old, and that her biological father was Nigerian, making her the only black child in her Munich neighborhood.


Actor Ralph Fiennes played Amon Goeth in the movie "Schindler's List."

But the hardest truth came to her years later on a warm August day in Hamburg when she walked into the central library and picked up a red book with a black-and-white picture of a woman on the cover. It was titled "I Have to Love My Father, Don't I?"

As Teege, then 38, flipped through the pages, she felt she'd been caught in a furious storm that had suddenly come from nowhere.

She had unearthed the ghastly family secret.

She looked at the names of people and places in the book and realized that the woman on the cover was her biological mother.

And the father in the title was none other than Amon Goeth, the sadistic Nazi who was commandant of the Plaszow concentration camp in Poland. Many came to know about Amon Goeth through Ralph Fiennes' portrayal of him in the 1993 movie "Schindler's List."

Teege doesn't know why she was drawn to the book. But on that day, Teege learned that she -- a black German woman who'd gone to college in Israel and befriended the descendants of Holocaust survivors, who now had a successful career and a loving family -- was the granddaughter of a monster.

Read Full Story with slide show here on ABC News!

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