Buzz Skull . Welcome to the Brutal Buzz, I am IndieVisible and will be your host.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Bernie Sanders Supporters Very Misunderstood By Clinton Supporters!

Democrats who think Bernie Sander supporters would eventually support Hillary Clinton if she should be nominated, simply do NOT understand most Bernie Sander Supporters at all! In fact are totally cluessless to what is really going on!


Well this meme pretty much sums it up very nicely!

I have read commentaries and opinion stories that suggest that should Hillary win the nomination, she would benefit greatly from the enthusiasm from Bernie Sanders supporters and that would make her a stronger candidate in the fall against the GOP.  You can tell they are either Clinton supporters writing those opinions, or have no clue at all who and what Bernie Sanders stand for or represent! It is wishful thinking on their part to assume Sander’s supporters would suddenly support Hillary who we consider is part of the problem and is about as truthworthy as Trump and Cruz lol.


Bird lands on Sanders Podium

Any hopes or wishful thinking we would suddenly get begind Hillary Clinton who is part of the problem is pure fantasy. By far the majority of Bernie Supporters would not support Hillary. I personally would rather sit out the election or vote for a 3rd party candidate. The Democrats would deserve whatever they get should they nominate Hillary Clinton who many of us despise as much as Cruz and trump! So, Hillay supporters, keep dreaming lmfao!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Trump’s Wife Verses Cruz’s Wife Continues!

"A picture is worth a thousand words" Donald Trump Tweets!


Megan Fox tweeted one word, “Seriously?”

Ted Cruz sounded off on twitter too,


So what started all this? A SuperPak that supports Cruz posted pics of Trump’s wife in a ad.

This Is the Ad That Is Driving Donald Trump Bonkers


Last week, the tiny but noisy super PAC Make America Awesome ran a Facebook ad, part of a flight of three anti-Trump ads, aimed at social conservatives in Utah. That’s what started all this and is sure to keep going a bit.

Will it hurt Trump? Hard to say at this point.

Trump’s Wife Verses Cruz’s WIfe Continues! @realDonaldTrump

"A picture is worth a thousand words" Donald Trump Tweets!


Megan Fox tweeted one word, “Seriously?”

Ted Cruz sounded off on twitter too,


So what started all this? A SuperPak that supports Cruz posted pics of Trump’s wife in a ad.

This Is the Ad That Is Driving Donald Trump Bonkers


Last week, the tiny but noisy super PAC Make America Awesome ran a Facebook ad, part of a flight of three anti-Trump ads, aimed at social conservatives in Utah. That’s what started all this and is sure to keep going a bit.

Will it hurt Trump? Hard to say at this point.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Protests At Chicago Rally or Riot At Chicago Rally?

Worse case of Peaceful Protest Ever!

First of all, let me remind some of my readers, I am NOT a trump supporter! I support Bernie Sanders! Sanders marched with Martin Luther King Jr., who brought people together for a common cause. Black and white people marched together, peacefully! It’s kind of hard to get mad at a person like Martin Luther King Jr who insisted that his supporters observe all the laws and march peacefully. That’s what made his marches so succesful! But what happen in Chicago was a total embarrassement and nothing short of a riot!

Hate breeds hate, violence breeds violence, and anger breeds more anger. Someone has to rise above those elements to really make a difference. You can’t put out a fire with gasoline! I’m afraid the Chicago “protesters” if that’s what you want to call them, only succeeded in boosting Trump’s support and case and further proving his views are correct! In short, it caused more damage then good!

I would have loved to have seen say 25,000 anti-Trump protesters rally and stay outside the convention center across the street and protest peacefully! That would have sent such a stronger message and made a bigger difference then the embarassing show of thugary that bordered a riot instead of a protest! What happened instead was we seen people stoop to the same level of trump  supporters. This will only further divide and only boost his support!

Chicago FAILED in a major way of making any real difference or showing Trump is wrong. They merely showed Trump supporters and people undecided, that Trump is right. Major Fail!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Iran fires ballistic missiles marked with "Israel must be wiped off the Earth,"

Iran test-fired two ballistic missiles Wednesday, state media reported, just a day after other missile tests that Washington suggests were in violation of a U.N. resolution.

The missiles, capable of reaching Iran's archenemy Israel, were marked with a statement in Hebrew reading "Israel must be wiped off the Earth," Iran's semiofficial Fars News Agency reported.

    The phrase originates from a remark made by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of Iran's Islamic revolution.

    Ok so what is the big deal about? Israel brags it has missles capable of intercepting balastic missles from Iran. The world also has no idea how many nuclear weapons Israel has though we know they have nukes, it’s apprentently ok for them to have nuclear capabilites but not Iran. And the USA continues to burry their heads up Israeli ass clearing showing biased favortism for the Zionist government of Israel.

    It’s no secret that the USA supllies billions of dollars of aide to Israel but for some reason can not understand why other nations may object to that. Perhaps part of the problem is Israeli meddling too much in American politics and buying politicains.

    Sorry if the truth hurts, but it needs to be said! That is the brutal buzz but the truth!

    Thursday, March 3, 2016

    Erin Andrews Naked Pics & Peephole Videos!

    Fuck the  Erin Andrews civil suit drama case, here’s the pics!

    Erin Andrews

    Forget the over played media drama surrounding the civil case about her nude pics. Some of you are bored of the media drama and want to see the actual pics right?

    Well here are some of them. Warning: they are almost as boring as the civil lawsuite case drama lol.


    Here you go!

    Erin Andrews2  Erin Andrews3

    Erin Andrews4

    Oh No! More!

    Erin Andrews5   Erin Andrews6

    Can you handle more? LOL

    Erin Andrews7   Erin Andrews8

    Yup here’s the contacts for all of them..

    Erin Andrews all

    Well now we can clearly see why she feels she is entitled to $75 million in damages for this because of all the pain and suffering it has caused her. Frankly I want to sue too! I want to see her and the photographer! I wouldn’t pay a nickle for any of this!

    Now let’s look at actual photos of Erin Andrews

    Erin Andrews

    Erin Andrews10   Erin Andrews11     Erin Andrews12   

    Well there you go. Hopefully now you can see why she feels she’s worth $75 million! Frankly I feel ripped off too! How about you? Any comments?

    Wednesday, March 2, 2016

    Super Bad Tuesday!

    Super Tuesday Pretty Much Smashes Any Hope For Real Change!

    So Hillary and Donald both win 7 states on Super Yuesday, pretty much making it very difficult for anyone else to defeat them now, and if both win thier parties nomination, as it ooks like it’s going to be, we will then watch a Trump verses Clinton battle for the Presidency.

    WHat a horrible choice!  While slightly better then a Bush verses Clinton ballet, nevertheless Trump is everything that is wrong with America, and Clinton,  is one of the most deceitful polititions that ever lived. I predict Trump will actually defeat her as a lot of people just don’t like Hillary, including some Democrats who will probably not be able to get them selves to vote for her and simply not vote.

    There would have been Hope, real Hope if Bernie Sanders could have pulled off a greater grab then he did. Now Clinton has a strong momentum and a lot more delegates too! Bernie has become a long shot again. And Clinton could deliver the fatal blow to his comapaign during the next Primary!

    So basically our nation is faced with chosing between a narcissist billionair capitolist or a two face lying bitch that can’t be trusted! Wow, aint a two party system just great?

    Tuesday, March 1, 2016

    Chris Rock Goes Racial On the Oscars!


    Ok, let me get this straight. The OScars are racist for no black nominees. Chris Rock (black) hosts the show and makes “blacklivesmatter” statements and then does an asian joke.

    First of all why they chose Chris Rock is beyond me. Totally over rated comedian who owes his success to being black and making racial jokes. To come on the state and defend #blacklivesmatter and then pull a Asian joke is so hypocritical, yet perfectly expected coming from a “comedian” who really has no clue!

    ALL LIVES MATTER! Including Asians Chris Rock! lol

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